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If you run a business online, then this is the show for you. Listen in as your host, Abagail Pumphrey delivers semi-ranty business strategies touching on everything from building a profitable offer to scaling sustainably to growing an ethical culture and everything in between.

top 10 business podcast | 4 Million+ downloads | 750+ episodes

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Semi-ranty business strategies for successful small business owners.

Hey, it’s your host, Abagail Pumphrey. And I’m on a personal mission to help more small business owners become financially free.

I like to nerd out on all things business, marketing, and most definitely the numbers. I’m talking all the lessons learned as I turned a layoff into a 7-figure online business.

I like to share it all and no conversation is off the table. We talk actionable strategies, biz challenges, and all the things life throws your way - grief, anxiety, loss, and resilience are all topics you’ll find here.

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Podcast, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey Podcast, Leadership Abagail Pumphrey

December 2021 Recap: Hiring, Choosing the Right Mentor, and How to Build Intentional Time Off

December 2021 may have been the busiest and most strategic December we’ve ever had on record! Although we only took three days off this month, which is a huge deviation from how we normally run things, we’re extremely excited about how all our planning and purpose in December has set us up for a great Q1 in 2022! While it was tough having such a busy December, it was all with very particular goals and intentions in mind.

So much of our decision-making came back to growing our organization and looking at new employees and the positions that need to be filled as we continue to grow and scale. We had a lot of hiring decisions in the works, which formed a big part of our top priorities in December, but they were all 100% worth it. Luckily, because of the way we set things up in December, Q1 of 2022 is set to be the most intentional Q1 we've ever had!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

Creating a Sustainable Give Back Program for Your Business with Megan Hale

Today on the podcast, please join us in welcoming Megan Hale. Megan is a Profit First® certified business strategist and money mentor for freedom-driven entrepreneurs who are ready to step into #feelgoodmoney and create sustainable, aligned business growth. With a special emphasis on empowering women-identifying entrepreneurs into their next level of growth, she regularly podcasts on the intersections of business, money, psychology, and leadership with a focus on leveraging entrepreneurship to build a more equitable world.

Speaking of making the world a better place, this episode is all about giving back! Listen in as Megan outlines how to build giving into your future, and not only how you can integrate it into your business but how to do it sustainably too. During the course of this conversation, you’ll find out how you can grow your business through giving back, if that is in alignment with your business goals, of course. Megan breaks down what a sustainable percentage is, how you can logistically set that up within your finances, and how to find causes to give to, as well as her suggestions for some important questions to ask yourself along the way.

For everything you’ve ever wanted to know about having an even bigger impact within your business and giving back, make sure not to miss this thoughtful and inspiring episode!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

October 2020 Profit Report: One UX Tweak We Made that Increased Our Membership by 15%

Today on the show, Emylee and Abagail walk listeners through their October profit report and, as per usual, it is nothing short of wild! Before October kicked off, Abagail and Jared suddenly needed a bigger space and ended up purchasing a new home without even planning to. What’s more is it is a fixer-upper that needs quite a bit of work, and we don’t need to tell you what a time-suck buying and renovating can be. At the same time, Emylee was away for a week on a much-needed break, and things got crazy and chaotic very quickly, but they managed to pull it together and still make a great profit in the end.

Amidst it all, they planned for a big launch in November and ran their first sale on the Creative Template Shop’s annual membership, all of which they discuss in this episode. They also had to establish whether a monthly or annual membership would be more profitable in the long term, so they did an experiment to see whether they could switch over to just an annual membership but realized that the slower conversion rate was not going to cut it just yet. Tuning in, listeners will find out how they managed to increase their memberships while reducing the one-off purchases in the Shop, and where all the other revenue came from in October. Of course, they also share the details on what they had to spend to keep things moving along smoothly and treat themselves appropriately. Be sure to tune in for all of it, and more!

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Podcast, Leadership Guest User Podcast, Leadership Guest User

How You Invest Based On Your Personality Type with Jessica Eley

Today on the show, we welcome back Jessica Eley, a woman who sets our souls on fire in all the best ways! Jessica is a mindset coach for high-achieving entrepreneurs. She also brings clean water to hundreds of people through her Workshops for Water Program while helping small business owners with their money mindset. Today, we are talking through money mindsets and how they vary based on your personality. We are offering ourselves to Jessica on a silver platter for her to pick apart and call out all of our “bad” money habits.

Money mindset is the underlying structure and core beliefs you have that are running your show around money. The things you don’t even question and the beliefs you “absorb” from your parents, friends and society. This forms a sort of cocktail, if you will, of how you perceive money and your own personal relationship with it. Some cocktails are well-mixed and others are just a really bad blend! In this episode, we’ll be breaking down four types of spenders and equipping you with the right questions to ask yourself before making a purchase. By the end of this episode, you’ll feel more confident in making better money decisions and investments and ensure they’re not coming from a place of fear.

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Podcast, Services Guest User Podcast, Services Guest User

So You Want to Build an App? Here's What You Need to Know with Christy Laurence of Plann

We are super excited to bring you our friend, Christy Laurence, who is the founder of Plann, a visual planner and scheduler app for Instagram. Plann is designed to help you create a follow worthy feed in advance as a great strategy for Instagram growth. A bunch of you probably already use this app and know and love it, so we are really excited today for her to share some of the ins and outs of her business.

Inside this episode, we are talking about what it is like to build an app, what did it cost, what are the startup expectations of working with a developer, and what kind of person it takes to actually do it. Christy also shares what you need to know before hiring someone, and where you should be putting your app — iOS, android, or both? We dive into how to get traction, how to create a marketing strategy, and the whole nine yards. Plus, we even get a little behind-the-scenes story of why Christy started Plann in the first place. You’re going to learn a lot inside this episode, so get excited to dive right in.

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We want to keep the conversation going. We want to hear your hot takes, your biggest take aways or the genius ideas that pop in your head as you’re listening to the show.

Our DMs are always open over on Instagram so head on over and introduce yourself so we can get to know you!

You’re, like, really good at what you do.

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You’ve created a pretty dang epic business up until this point. You’re consistently booked out (and probs ignoring leads) because you are the expert at what you do. But you’re overwhelmed and getting closer and closer to that b-word* every day. How about we work together to increase your capacity without sacrificing everything else in the process?

*Burnout. Yeah, we said it.