How to Build an Engaged Community (Online and IRL) with Ashley Knight of Hello Boss

Episode 289: Show Notes

On today’s episode we are super-duper excited to host Ashley Knight of The Hello Boss Community. Ashley founded the community as a means to support and bolster other businesswomen who were in the same boat as her. Through her group she is able to teach and coach strategy to an ever growing number of dedicated members and she loves it! And we love her for it! Here at The Strategy Hour Podcast we know the value the of groups we have run and been a part of, they can be the lifeboat bringing you back in when you are out at sea, so we know exactly what Ashley is talking about!

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In our discussion we cover the early stages of starting a supportive community, relationships within this space, real world events, social media, sensitivity masterminds and much more. Ashley is one of the most dedicated community founders we have spoken to and we are sure her attitude and advice is going to be wonderfully useful and inspiring to all of our listeners. So whether you are part of an online community or looking to start one yourself, this is definitely the episode for you. Listen in to get the low-down.

How to Start Building Engagement in a Community

Ashley believes that the key to starting a successful community is understanding why you are starting it. If you have a sincere interest and desire to get to know everyone in the group you will be well on your way to your dream community. She also suggests to new group admins to try get to know everyone and start the conversations. We love this advice! Lead by example!

Taking Advantage of Relationships Along the Way as it Changes

As your group grows the needs become more and more varied and you need to be able to go with this. Again if you are invested and involved, your maturing group will start to educate its members without your prompting. This is the beauty of the evolution of communities. People become happy to share information and eventually they can all be ambassadors.

Translating These Online Relationships into the Real World

Ashley believes strongly in taking the online world community into physical spaces. This means meet-ups and events, and this visibility and strengthened connection always leads to many benefits for the members. Ashley says that she often hears the best business arrangements come from these real world community events.

Communities Outside of Facebook

As some people tire of social media, and in particular Facebook, we as community leaders and members we have to think about alternative platforms for these connections. Ashley recommends masterminds, something we could not agree with more! Ironically she found her mastermind on Facebook so maybe it’s not quite time to call the platform dead yet!

Paying Attention the Signs Around You

Ashley has seen many rewards for the hard work she has put into her community and believes that if you put all of these wishes out there and ask clearly for what you want you will be able to see when it becomes possible. We have to be receptive to the signs that are around us so that when an opportunity arises we can seize it. We agree Ashley! We also fully support Ashley’s belief that gratitude goes a long way in opening the door to these opportunities.

Directing a Mastermind So That it Serves its Participants

As we said, Ashley is a firm proponent of masterminds as a form of community. She says that being clear on what the purpose of this is, like any kind of group, is vital. Knowing who you are servicing and why can make all the difference. Ashley’s experiences in the mastermind of which she is a part are some of her most cherished and we know the feeling.

The Keys to Being the Best Community Member

There are those of us who do not want to actually create a community ourselves but would like to be a member and be a part of something. We asked Ashley what her advice was to these people and how we can be the best group members and get the most of the community experience. She says it is important to firstly take the time to find the right group. One that fits your values and you feel connected to. She also advises against joining too many groups as this detracts from their value and your investment. Lastly, she offers some simple but great advice, “Read the rules and be mindful of the guidelines!”

How Particular Personalities Influence Outcomes

Our guest quoted Marie Forleo as an inspiration; “Everything is figureoutable!” This is Ashley’s attitude to life and something she really believes. Often we are the only thing standing in our own way and with a positive attitude we can get through almost anything. Ashley has remained excited when anyone joins her group because that is another person she can serve and help. In this way she has earned her tag of a stubborn optimist, one that she wears proudly.

Staying True to the Purpose of the Group

Apart from all the great benefits that communities offer, it can be tough to run these networks and stay motivated at low points. It is investment of a lot of time and energy and love. But if we keep in mind the reasons we started and hold onto the gratitude for all the positive things it is usually quite easy to move past these difficulties. In the end running or being part of a community is a humbling experience for Ashley and we think this is just beautiful.


Quote This

You already know the answers; a lot of us just have our own limiting beliefs that get in our way.

—Ashley Knight



  • How to start building engagement in a community from the very beginning . [0:07:07.2]

  • Making the most of relationships along the way as a group changes. [0:09:15.1]

  • Translating these online relationships into real world events and meet ups. [0:12:04.4]

  • Communities outside of Facebook and the usual platforms. [0:14:39.2]

  • Paying attention the signs and answers around you as they appear. [0:22:21.7]

  • Directing a mastermind so that it serves its participants. [0:26:02.2]

  • The keys to being the best community member to everyone’s benefit. [0:27:23.1]

  • How particular personalities influence the outcome of projects. [0:32:32.4]

  • Staying true to the purpose of the group through up and downs. [0:36:25.8]

#TalkStrategyToMe [0:38:27.1]

  1. Follow the guidelines.

  2. Get to know your admins and founder.

  3. Be visible and active in the group.


Ashley Knight

Hello Boss Community

Website | Hello Boss

Instagram | Facebook

As a business mentor, strategist and self-confessed planning addict; Ashley teaches women in business the simple strategies they need to help them grow their brand, income & audience online. She's all about getting them the results they need for their business quickly, and with as little fuss and overwhelm as possible.As the founder of the Hello Boss Community, Ashley is also an avid community builder and people connector (yes, that's a thing!), a coffee and G & T enthusiast; novice minimalist, bullet journaller and planning strategist. She is also a new mommy to little Georgia Rose (aka Pea), and has been described by those closest to her as a stubborn optimist, and a firm believer in building a business around a life you love (and not the other way around!).


Community, Guidelines, Networking, Masterminds, Meet-ups, Visibility, Social Media


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