How to Confidently Relaunch Your Offer

So, you’ve made it through launching your offer. Congratulations! We know how much goes into creating an offer, wrapping it up, and getting it ready to officially present to the world, so we’re proud of you for pulling through. Now that you’ve had it out there for a while and have been nurturing your audience, you’re probably coming up on the need to relaunch it.

If you’re like, “Hold the phone! ‘Relaunch?’” Yes! What, you thought you could just launch your product once and that’s it? Unfortunately, as heavenly as that sounds, that’s not a very effective way to keep making money. No need to worry, though, because we just so happen to have relaunched probably more times than we’ve ordered from Starbucks (and that’s saying a lot).

With that said, we want to show you how to confidently relaunch so you can keep improving your offer and converting prospects into buyers!

What Is a Relaunch?

In a nutshell, relaunching is simply as it sounds. You launched your product initially, let it simmer for a while, and then gear up to launch it again. Only this time, you now have data to go by, testimonials to use, and suggestions on how to make it better. You can essentially think of it as launching the new and improved version 2.0 of your original product (and then 3.0, then 4.0, and so on. You get the picture).

In order to make this launch better and more successful than the last so that you can relaunch in confidence, there are some things you should pay attention to and data you should pull if you haven’t already. We’ll also give you a couple ideas for how you can build engagement before you relaunch.

Define Your Launch Goals

First and foremost, define the goals you have for this relaunch. Do you want to reach a larger audience with your Facebook ads? Do you want to reach a higher monetary goal than your initial launch? Do you want to reposition your product?

Define all of the goals you have for launching this time around. Your goals are the first step to working backwards and making sure you’re hitting all the points that will lead to accomplishing your goals. Maybe you need to hire an ad strategist this time around or improve your marketing message. Perhaps you should try new avenues of promotion or send more emails/post more frequently on social media. Maybe you’ll need to rework your sales page copy. All of this snowballs to give you the best possible chance of success.

This should go without saying, but be sure to have these statistics as they relate to your previous launch documented somewhere.

What Did and Didn’t Go Well Last Time?

Is there anything you did in your initial launch that could have gone smoother? Anything that didn’t go as planned at all? Things that weren’t paid attention to as they should have been?

On that same note, what went really well? Were there any specific aspects of your launch that people resonated with or enjoyed? Any posts or ads that got a lot of engagement/conversions? Emails you sent that received higher open or click rates?

If you don’t already have this documented somewhere, really reflect on this. What lessons did you learn or key takeaways do you have from the initial launch? Really spending the time to analyze each piece of the puzzle will help you craft the mechanics of a launch that will run smoother.

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Listen to Your Current or Past Customers/Clients

Now that you’ve had your first round of buyers, what are they saying about your offer? Listen to them! Compile all of your testimonials, social proof, emails (words of praise, complaint, and support emails), etc. so you can easily sift through them to reflect on what people thought of it.

Your past or current customers/clients should have the largest influence on what improvements are made to your offer! Listen and pay attention to what they want, what they love, what they’d like to change. Of course it’s totally okay to experiment and add/take away features or things that you think will make their experience (and your experience serving them) better, but the first changes you should make are those that are suggested by your past buyers.

Plan Your Launch

Every single launch, we never fail to have a launch planner. There are a lot of moving pieces that go into a launch, so having a planner keeps you organized by having all information, links, and dates in one place. And because you have everything in one place, you feel more in control of the launch and therefore more confident that it will run smoothly.

In our planner, we keep track of things like:

  • Important dates, like when prelaunch content and promotion starts

  • Links to all web pages

  • Links to all graphics that are organized in Dropbox folders (Facebook posts, group covers, square graphics, Stories graphics, Facebook ads, etc.)

  • Links to other documents that have social media post, ad, and email copy

  • Goals and objectives for the launch

  • Results of the launch and space to document key takeaways

Pro-tip: Instead of spending weeks creating your marketing material, just grab the Ultimate Launch Bundle from The Creative Template Shop. It includes social templates, launch graphic templates, our launch planner, a Leadpages template. You can easily customize the graphics in Canva and have all your launch material checked off the list ASAP.

If you’re a Dubsado user or thinking of signing up, we also have an Ultimate Dubsado Launch Bundle! You don’t even need a website to launch with Dubsado, and we show you how in this blog post.

You can grab this bundle and all other templates in The Shop for only $47 per month when you become a member of The Creative Shop Co-op!

Walk Through Your Launch

Be sure to give your process a walkthrough to make sure everything is functioning as it should. Send test emails to make sure they deliver properly, have the correct subject lines, and all links are correct. Click everything on your pages to make sure they direct to the right place. Triple check all of your copy for errors. Run through the checkout process to make sure people are easily able to purchase. If you have an email sequence set up, join it to make sure they flow correctly. Make sure your content is scheduled to post at the correct date and time.

Basically, look over every part of your launch and run through it. Then look over it again just for good measure.

Accept That Shit Happens

Listen to us: shit happens. A piece of tech might fail, you may get a few support questions, a link may be wrong, someone may be unhappy with something. Whatever it is, don’t stress about it! Just handle it like the boss you are and keep it pushing. There’s always a chance that something will go wrong, and the sooner you can accept that, the better and more confident you’ll feel.

Now get out there, relaunch your offer, and hit those goals!


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