How to Sell On Instagram Without Feeling Like a Slimy Cheeseball

If you’re a product-based business it’s probably no surprise to you that you can make sales from Instagram. You probably do it all the time and it feels natural. However, to those of you that are service based (with a potentially high dollar price range), selling on Instagram seems like a long shot. Who would’ve thought that after less than one year of being very intentional about our Instagram game that we’d see actual, real life, high-dollar clients from it? Well it happened for us, and it can happen for you too. Luckily, it’s not rocket science. 

We’re breaking down the three key areas that we KNOW have an effect on attracting the high-dollar client, and more importantly, how we closed the deal with them (in less than 72 hours!).

UPDATE: Although the tactics in this blog are still relevant, we have NEW info to share with you about how to successfully monetize Instagram. Check out our brand new Instagram Profit Playbook!!!

“Sell” Without Feeling Like A Slimy Cheeseball

First of all, as any type of business owner (whether service or product based) you have to make it clear that you have something for sale. Second of all, you have to make this clear in a way that feels authentic, non-spammy and approachable. We’ve learned that by telling a story, whether it be our own or the stories of our clients, it has a much higher impact on our audience. Instagram first captures its audience with a beautiful image, and then keeps them engaged with an enticing caption. 

We are big story tellers, so it usually comes naturally to us, but if you’re at a loss for words here are a few tips to get you going. Ask yourself:

  • How can this product or service change the lives of my clients?

  • How has this product or service impacted my own life?

  • Is there something unique about my product or service that I can brag about (such as it being handmade, 1:1, organic, some proceeds go to charity, et cetera)?

  • What’s the story of my business? Has it grown from my basement to a large warehouse? Did it start with just me and now I have a team?

When you tell these stories to your audience they get to hear about your business and the things you sell, but it’s structured in a way that’s giving. Your audience then wants to become a part of that story by purchasing what you offer. They want their lives changed in the same way in which yours was, or to be on the same level other people who buy your product are. They want “in” to the dream.

Stay Engaged With Your Audience

Ideally, once you begin storytelling you will have others sharing similar experiences on your feed. You can’t ignore these comments! Engage with your followers, ask them more questions, provide support, and share the love. If people are taking their own time to comment on your posts, they will feel so supported when you reciprocate. The more you are engaged with your current audience, the more it will grow! Instagram notices when certain posts get a lot of comments and moves it up in the line to show it to more people. 

To promote more engagement, consider asking open ended questions or give direct call to actions. Here are some examples.

  • “Tag your friends below if you know they would love this!”

  • “Share this with your friends who are trying to eat healthy!”

  • “What’s a wild and crazy goal of yours for 2016? We’d love to cheer you on!”

  • “About to binge on Netflix - what are your suggestions?”

We like to mix in business related call to actions with lifestyle call to actions so it doesn’t feel like we’re always surveying our audience. Just by being known that you ask questions and will engage in the comments is a big driver to build knowledge, goodwill and trust. This is the key that will convert your followers to buyers and brand advocates.

Reach Out and Follow Up

If you find that you have some “regulars” that often like or comment on your feed, don’t be afraid to reach out to them. If you are a product-based business, consider mailing them something small that you know they will share (and tag you in a post). If you are a service-based business, offer to set up a quick phone call to talk about your specialty.

Pro tip: always approach these relationships from a truly authentic place of giving. Don’t go into it prepared to ask for a sale or even hoping they will buy. Consider this thanking your VIP’s and passing out the love. Whether it turns into something like a purchase or booking is truly icing on the cake, not the end goal. 

We recently reached out to some of our active commenters who happened to be small biz owners, just to ask them how it was going. We wanted to know all about their biz, their struggles, and challenges, and what we could do to make it better. We got loads of ideas for future content just from one phone call! We want our audience (clients or not) to know that we are in their corner. 

Don’t feel nervous about reaching out! Most people love to put a face or voice to the name or brand that they love. 

UPDATE: Although the tactics in this blog are still relevant, we have NEW info to share with you about how to successfully monetize Instagram. Check out our brand new Instagram Profit Playbook!!!


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