The One Thing You Must Do to EVERY Image on Your Blog

This may be review for some, but for many I have chatted with this is a major Ah-Ha moment! When I first started blogging I did a TON of research, mainly because I was afraid of screwing up. I spent months making sure I understood the ends and outs. And today, I am here to share one of the simplest things I learned that completely changed my blog traffic. 

Since I began blogging I have managed to double my blog traffic month over month. In many areas I grew, but in one I completely exploded. I used to not believe that Pinterest had the power to drive business. I have watched it go from my single smallest referrer at a mere 2% to my single largest referrer (which literally just happened this past week) – now sitting at 42.60% of total traffic and creating more than 20,000 website impressions daily! I definitely believe this is in large part to the strategies I clearly laid out in the last couple months, but it also is because of this extremely minor and easy thing I have done to every single image.

Here are a couple of my favorite Pinterest articles that show how I skyrocketed my traffic:

Name Your Images

Sure, you call them Abbie-postimage.jpg on your computer, but that is definitely not going to help you on the internet. Not to mention the blog-o-sphere. Name your images directly on your website.

Squarespace makes this super easy. When you are in edit image mode, change your “filename”. 

Now when I say name images, don’t simply rename them to “Abbie Post Image." Use this space as an SEO opportunity to generate traffic. Name your images using key words or phrases that someone could find in your article. Pull direct quotes from your article. Or perhaps even add a little extra information. 

The One Thing You Must Do to EVERY Image on Your Blog! - Tweet That

This may seem like a goofy waste of time, but I promise you it isn’t. When someone now comes to your blog and decides to “Pin-it” for later the box that pops up with text is now auto-filled – yes you guessed it, with whatever information you put in the file name. 

I will often add several full sentences, commentary and always include the blog post title and the name of my company. Let’s be honest – most people are lazy and they won’t retype the description. So use your pinners to your advantage and give people a reason to come back!

It has worked for me and  it will likely work for you! Plus – it will save you time and energy when you go to Pin your own articles. 


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