Making Less Than $20k a Month, Read This

There comes a time in every service provider’s career when you feel like you’ve hit a ceiling on your income and time. You really want to hit those $20k months, but you would need 24 hours of daylight alone to be able to make that happen or at least a few clones of yourself. At this point, it’s crucial that you start scaling your business, thinking about hiring, raising your prices, cleaning up your systems, and more– all the things that, coincidentally, we love talking about and have had numerous conversations about on our blog and podcast.

To save you the time, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to compile our resources on all of the topics you need to be learning about right now so that you can get unstuck from this rut and grow a thriving service-based business.

How to Make More Money from Existing Clients

For many of our clients inside the Incubator, it’s not necessarily the raising of their prices that’s stressful; it’s having to have the conversation with their clients about their contracts increasing. It can be super awkward and fear-inducing because you may think that your clients will decide to end their contracts. There are multiple points we have about this topic from raising your confidence to establishing authority with your clients, to how to have that conversation, to using your clients to get more referrals (another way to make more money from them!).

The Importance of Setting Up Systems & Automation

One of the biggest areas of opportunity for service providers to free up some of their time is to focus on optimizing their systems and setting up automations wherever they can. No matter how small or mundane the action is, if you can automate that to where you don’t even have to think about it, the relief that you’ll feel is so worthwhile. 

Hiring 101: Contractors vs. Employees

When it comes to hiring, the most conflicting struggle many service providers face is whether to hire contractors or employees. There are vast differences between the two, and we’ve had our experiences with both. In the beginning of our journey growing a team, we only hired independent contractors. Now, the core of Boss Project are employees, and we want to help you decide which is the best option for you.

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Everything Fin Lit & Paying Yourself

We love paying ourselves! Unfortunately, financial literacy isn’t talked about enough in this space. There are so many CEOs who are over or underpaying themselves. We get it– The topic of money can be an uncomfortable conversation to have, but we believe it needs to be talked about more. Without financial literacy, many businesses are facing hardships that could absolutely be avoided.

The Difference Between Scaling and Growth

We see these words being used interchangeably a lot in the service industry, but they do have different meanings to their processes. It’s possible to have one without the other, and before you think about scaling or growing, you first have to understand what they both mean so that you can do things intentionally and sustainably.

Overcome Mindset Struggles

Mindset struggles are real at every level of business, regardless if you’re a beginner, at an intermediate level, or are running a wildly successful business. From what you call yourself to reinforcing boundaries with clients to prioritizing your mental and physical health over work, we could all use a little work in some area. We’ve had plenty of conversations around crucial mindset shifts, and though the list may seem like a lot, we recommend reading or listening to every single resource below.

Instead of Going at Business Alone…

Through years of trial and error and alternating seasons of growth, burnout, rest and overwhelm, we’ve gotten pretty dang skilled at making this business thing work in a way that serves us soulfully (which is part of our whole mission, after all). Inside the Incubator, our 6-month hybrid program, we’ll pass on this knowledge and help you increase your capacity, streamline your work week, and scale with confidence. This is a done-with-you program where you’ll be able to work independently, connect with like-minded CEOs, and have opportunities for 1:1 feedback. To get started, just fill out this short waitlist so you can steal some time on our calendar where we’ll chat to see if the Incubator is right for you.


Service Providers Making More Than $20k Per Month: Essential Skills You Need For Sustaining & Growing Your Business


Service Providers Earning Less than $5k Per Month: Essential Skills You Need to Have a Successful Business