How Your Enneagram Type Affects Your Life & Business

In the age of Myers Briggs and the Enneagram, personality types have never been more of a topic of conversation in the online business world than they are now. This increased popularity is leading to more talks about strengths and weaknesses, which we think is absolutely wonderful!

Knowing this information about yourself allows you to learn how to leverage those qualities in the way you do business. Not only that, but you’re also able to find business companions that you fit along with really nicely, which can be especially useful when growing a team.

But in what other ways does your Enneagram affect your life and business?


Different productivity hacks and tips, while they’re awesome, don’t necessarily work for everyone. Sure, there are the basic ones that anyone can benefit from– not trying to multitask, eliminating distractions, etc.– but you might find better results if you’re basing your actions on your Enneagram type.

For example, Type Twos are classified as the “helpers”, so they’ll easily go out of their way to say yes to everyone, even if it means sacrificing their own time and sanity. For them, saying “no” is the best thing they can do for themselves to stay productive.

As another example, Type Fives love to research and could spend hours learning about one thing for a project or task. The best thing they can do for their productivity is to set time blocks for research so they don’t go overboard and waste their whole day.


This seems like an obvious one, but understanding your Enneagram type allows you to build better relationships with the people around you, whether personally or professionally. When hiring, you’re able to seek out those that would make a great fit with your personality, but you’re also able to really understand how they work.

We preach a ton about how having cheerleaders in your corner can really help to give you that extra drive and push, even if it’s just one close biz friend that you can confide in. Understanding your Enneagram type could help you seek out another friend who aligns with you, which can make for an awesome companionship.

Even in your personal life, we know of people that have been able to strengthen their marriages because they’re able to communicate with their partners more efficiently and understand each other on a deeper level than ever before.


If you’re setting goals that you know you don’t yet have the ability to overcome, knowing your personal challenges allows you to see how to overcome them in the future. When you know what your blindspots are, it eliminates the guessing out of the equation so that you can be more intentional with your actions, so you’re able to know how to go about achieving your goals. In what way can you leverage your strengths and weaknesses to bring this thing into fruition?

You’re motivated in different ways than the next person, and understanding your personal motivators allows you to keep on keeping on stronger than before. With Type Sixes, for example, they need more reassurance because their big driver is security. So for them, identifying possible setbacks and challenges that the week or month may present lets them work ahead of time to set themselves up for success.

If you’re stuck on setting short term goals, a great method for any Enneagram type is tracking your daily habits that will eventually help you accomplish that goal. It’s a simple, effective way of goal setting, and we have just the thing that will help you with it. In The Creative Template Shop, we’ve partnered up with Workspacery to bring you a Daily Habit Tracker that you can use to brainstorm short-term goals, identify the daily actions that will get you there, and track them each day.

You can grab it right now in The Shop, and we also recommend you become a member so that you can instantly download this and every other template (what is an over $7,500 value) for only $47 per month.

When you understand your Enneagram type, the benefits are endless. Before you know it, you’ll be identifying ways that you can use it to your advantage in all aspects possible of your life and business.


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