How to Create a Signature Service in 30 Days or Less

You started your service-based business because you had dreams you wanted to achieve and goals to accomplish. Unfortunately, you just haven’t quite been able to get there yet. 

It seems like you keep signing low-ticket clients and doing triple the work than you actually have time for. Your personal life? Virtually non-existent at this point because of how deep you’re buried in client work, yet you have little to no income or growth to show for it.

There’s no secret to making all the problems in your business disappear, and that’s because we don’t want to keep signature services a secret! Creating a signature service is what will enable you to open so many doors in your business that you’ve barely been able to crack thus far.

In this blog post, we’ll be covering how to create a signature service in 30 days or less, so keep reading as we break it down by four tangible weeks!

Week 1: Identify Your Service & Get Clear on Your Result

You are the expert at something. There’s a topic you’re super knowledgeable about that not a lot of other people are, which is why you started helping clients with that particular topic in the first place. Chances are, you just need to develop that into more of a signature service. So, how do you refine what you’re already offering into a signature service?

You get crystal clear on the results that you provide your clients! Ask yourself questions that will help you in your marketing and the way you speak about your offer:

  • Can you say it in a sentence? (i.e. your elevator pitch)

  • Do you produce tangible results? What are those results?

  • Are there any KPIs or metrics that you can focus on?

  • What are the problems that you actually solve?

Once you’re clear on your service and results, you’ll find it easier to land clients who are willing to pay at a higher price point.

Week 2: Create a High-Touch Client Experience

The experience is where it’s at. Don’t be like everyone else who tries to justify raising their prices by cramming a bunch of extra fluff into their offer. In reality, you should be focused more on the experience of working with you. The experience is what sets you apart from the competition. There are thousands of web designers out there, but only you can provide a customized, personalized, and unique experience for clients.

This means thinking about #allthethings in your process and making sure they’re exceptional:

  • What does it look like from the client perspective to fill out your lead capture form?

  • When will they hear back from you?

  • How do they book a call with you?

  • What is the discovery call like? 

  • Are you giving them enough information without overwhelming them? 

  • What’s the process of selecting a package?

  • How do they pay? Do you offer payment plans?

  • How do you send your contract out?

  • What are the boundaries you have set?

  • Do you have office hours? How do you communicate that?

  • What do check-ins look like?

  • How do you relay the results they’re getting because of you?

  • Do you ask for a testimonial? How?

  • Is the process of leaving a testimonial easy for them?

  • What does your offboarding process look like?

If all of that sounds overwhelming, that’s because it is! But this is the magic sauce of what we help our clients with inside The Incubator. You should apply here if you want help building out your exceptional high-touch client experience.

Week 3: Get Your Systems in Place

As you’ve probably caught on by now, when dealing with a high-touch client experience, there are more touch points for you as a service provider to customize and personalize. This raises a huge caution sign for many service providers because one thing we don’t have an abundant amount of is time. It seems like a high-touch experience takes a lot of that, right? Not quite.

Not if you have the correct systems in place, that is. You need to have a solid project management system, great internal organization, and high communication standards or values within your team. Nothing can be lost in translation when it comes to providing a high-touch experience.

Psst… You should definitely apply because this is also exactly what we help our Incubator people with.

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Week 4: Talk About It with Everyone You Know

Change your bio in all the places, share it in your social media posts, ask for referrals, talk to your network of connectors to try to get in front of more people, and reach out to existing clients to increase their contracts.

We help our clients figure out exactly what to say and how to approach people in The Incubator. One of our clients reached out to her existing circle of clients as soon as she created her signature service and, in less than 6 weeks, increased the value of her client contracts by $60,000.

Take the leap with us inside The Incubator, so we can help you see the results in your business that you’ve been striving for. Just apply here right now, then reach out to us via DMs on Instagram @bossproject, so we can bump you to the front of the queue!


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